

Information Technology and Human Factors

Type C - Specially Appointed Position

Type C is a specially appointed position to undertake externally funded research projects, e.g. NEDO, JST or private companies. The job holders are required to work exclusively on the project sponsored by the funding institution.
Entry ID
Title Research and development on function sharing via networks in distributed systems
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience We will design connection functions through network-based function modules and task sharing for numerous robots, drones, and other systems, as well as peripheral functions for stable operation of these systems. In addition, we will consider measures to deal with connections and asynchronous state of operating information due to communication delays and information loss, and design and realize data management mechanisms and data flow control functions on the network. A fundamental technology will be established to integrate these functions and implement network intelligence on a shared network.
In addition, "Implementation Policy on Voluntary Research Activities, etc. of Young Researchers Employed to Implement Projects under Competitive Research Funds" (February 12, 2020, Relevant Ministries Liaison Committee on Competitive Research Funds) Based on the agreement (agreed upon), after recruitment, those under the age of 40 will be eligible for voluntary research activities that contribute to the promotion of this research and improvement of research and management skills, up to a maximum of 20% of their effort, if approved by AIST. In some cases, employees may be permitted to engage in activities that contribute to their goals.
Compensation Salary decision for the successful candidates will be made under annual salary system that is designed to compensate highly qualified research scientists. 
Base annual salary is determined based on their professional experience, job responsibilities and other relevant factors. Work responsibility allowance, overtime allowance and commuting allowance are separately provided in accordance with the Rules on Salary of Fixed-term employees.
(Note: This position is not entitled to housing allowance or family allowance.)
Start of Employment At any time
Period of Employment Until March 31, 2026
Research Unit Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center 
Work Location AIST Tsukuba
URL https://unit.aist.go.jp/icps/index_en.html
Inquiry E-mail: ith-jobs-ml*aist.go.jp (Replace ""*"" with ""@""))
Number of Position a few positions available
Key Words Middleware/ Robotics/ Distributed systems/ Software architecture
Related Research Areas Engineering/ Interdisciplinary science and engineering/ Informatics
Application Deadline
Applications are acceptable at any time.
NB: The job opportunity will be closed in the case that the vacant positions are occupied by appropriate applicants.
Click here for registration
Entry ID
Title Research and development of innovative autonomous UAVs and autonomous decentralised  coordinated flight control technology 
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience Research and development of advanced autonomous UAVs and autonomous decentralised cooperative flight control technologies that enable multiple drones to continue flying safely and efficiently while seamlessly co-operating in unknown and complex environments, non-GNSS and in the event of communication disruption. Researchers with expertise and programming skills in artificial intelligence technologies such as autonomous decentralised control, self-localization, simulation, machine learning and pattern recognition are invited.
In addition, "Implementation Policy on Voluntary Research Activities, etc. of Young Researchers Employed to Implement Projects under Competitive Research Funds" (February 12, 2020, Relevant Ministries Liaison Committee on Competitive Research Funds) Based on the agreement (agreed upon), after recruitment, those under the age of 40 will be eligible for voluntary research activities that contribute to the promotion of this research and improvement of research and management skills, up to a maximum of 20% of their effort, if approved by AIST. In some cases, employees may be permitted to engage in activities that contribute to their goals.
Compensation Salary decision for the successful candidates will be made under annual salary system that is designed to compensate highly qualified research scientists. 
Base annual salary is determined based on their professional experience, job responsibilities and other relevant factors. Work responsibility allowance, overtime allowance and commuting allowance are separately provided in accordance with the Rules on Salary of Fixed-term employees.
(Note: This position is not entitled to housing allowance or family allowance.)
Start of Employment At any time
Period of Employment Maximally March 31, 2029
 (Employment term will be determined by the results of the examination)
Research Unit Artificial Intelligence Research Center or Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Research Center
Work Location AIST Tsukuba
URL https://unit.aist.go.jp/icps/index_en.html
Inquiry E-mail: ith-jobs-ml*aist.go.jp (Replace ""*"" with ""@""))
Number of Position a few positions available
Key Words Artificial intelligence/ Autonomous decentralised control/ Machine learning/ Pattern recognition/ Self-localization
Related Research Areas Informatics/ Interdisciplinary science and engineering
Application Deadline
Applications are acceptable at any time.
NB: The job opportunity will be closed in the case that the vacant positions are occupied by appropriate applicants.
Click here for registration
Entry ID
Title Research and development on GHG emissions prediction and optimization of vehicle operation management by multi-agent simulation
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience Research and development to construct an emission model to predict GHG emissions, apply optimization methods for vehicle operation management, and construct three-dimensional geospatial information including road networks to perform multi-agent simulation on vehicle movement.
In addition, "Implementation Policy on Voluntary Research Activities, etc. of Young Researchers Employed to Implement Projects under Competitive Research Funds" (February 12, 2020, Relevant Ministries Liaison Committee on Competitive Research Funds) Based on the agreement (agreed upon), after recruitment, those under the age of 40 will be eligible for voluntary research activities that contribute to the promotion of this research and improvement of research and management skills, up to a maximum of 20% of their effort, if approved by AIST. In some cases, employees may be permitted to engage in activities that contribute to their goals.
We also welcome those who do not have a doctoral degree but who are motivated to utilize their practical experience at a company for the social implementation of AIST's R&D.
Compensation Salary decision for the successful candidates will be made under annual salary system that is designed to compensate highly qualified research scientists. 
Base annual salary is determined based on their professional experience, job responsibilities and other relevant factors. Work responsibility allowance, overtime allowance and commuting allowance are separately provided in accordance with the Rules on Salary of Fixed-term employees.
(Note: This position is not entitled to housing allowance or family allowance.)
Start of Employment At any time
Period of Employment Maximally March 31, 2031
 (Employment term will be determined by the results of the examination)
Research Unit Artificial Intelligence Research Center
Work Location AIST Tokyo Waterfront
URL https://www.airc.aist.go.jp/en/recruit/
Inquiry E-mail: ith-jobs-ml*aist.go.jp (Replace ""*"" with ""@""))
Number of Position a few positions available
Key Words Multi-agent simulation/ Optimization/ Machine Learning/ Construction of three-dimensional geospatial information
Related Research Areas Informatics/ Environmental science/ Social Infrastructure
Application Deadline
Applications are acceptable at any time.
NB: The job opportunity will be closed in the case that the vacant positions are occupied by appropriate applicants.
Click here for registration
Entry ID
Title Advanced research and development for accelerating life sciences using AI and simulation technologies
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience For accelerating life science researches, we are conducting advanced research and development using AI, simulation, and data-driven life science. In order to promote research and development, we are recruiting researchers who have expertise, knowledge and capabilities in artificial intelligence and/or bioinformatics, or related area.
In addition, "Implementation Policy on Voluntary Research Activities, etc. of Young Researchers Employed to Implement Projects under Competitive Research Funds" (February 12, 2020, Relevant Ministries Liaison Committee on Competitive Research Funds) Based on the agreement (agreed upon), employees will be eligible for voluntary research activities that contribute to the promotion of this research and improvement of research and management skills, if approved by AIST. In some cases, employees may be permitted to engage in activities that contribute to their goals.
Compensation Salary decision for the successful candidates will be made under annual salary system that is designed to compensate highly qualified research scientists. 
Base annual salary is determined based on their professional experience, job responsibilities and other relevant factors. Work responsibility allowance, overtime allowance and commuting allowance are separately provided in accordance with the Rules on Salary of Fixed-term employees.
(Note: This position is not entitled to housing allowance or family allowance.)
Start of Employment At any time
Period of Employment Maximally March 31, 2027
 (Employment term will be determined by the results of the examination)
Research Unit Artificial Intelligence Research Center
Work Location AIST Tokyo Waterfront
Inquiry E-mail: ith-jobs-ml*aist.go.jp (Replace ""*"" with ""@""))
Number of Position A few positions
Key Words Artificial intelligence/ Machine learning/ Data-driven life science/ Simulation
Related Research Areas Informatics/ Life Science
Application Deadline
Applications are acceptable at any time.
NB: The job opportunity will be closed in the case that the vacant positions are occupied by appropriate applicants.
Click here for registration

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