

Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ)

Geological information is essential for a country like Japan, located at a tectonically active area, to ensure a safe and secure society. The Geological Survey of Japan gathers, compiles, and provides geological information and promotes its wider use. We also develop technologies to overcome various difficulties related to global environment protection, exploration of minerals and energy resources, and natural disaster mitigation, and coordinate international cooperation as a national representative.

Type B - Tenured Position

Type B is a tenured position of research scientist normally offered to a candidate with significant research achievements and management experience.
Job Opportunities for the 2nd round of Open Recruitment 2024 - Closed at 23:59 on 10 October 2024 (JST)
Entry ID
Title Research on evaluation of long-term geologic fracturing and volcanic fluid migration 
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience To evaluate the environmental dynamics from deep underground to the surface over geological time scales spanning hundreds of thousands of years, this research focuses on the process of cracking in the deep underground, the upwelling and migration of deep and volcanic fluids, and the safety assessment of their impact on rock formations, by using outcrops, core samples, and seismic data. We seek candidates with advanced knowledge in Geology, Geophysics, or Geochemistry, as well as field work skills, who are eager to tackle the challenges associated with these research topics.
The candidates are expected high communication ability and are motivated to implement research results in society and actively interact with many researchers.
We also welcome those who do not have a doctoral degree but who are motivated to utilize their practical experience at a company for the social implementation of AIST's R&D. 
Start of Employment April 1st, 2025
Research Unit Intitute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology
Work Location AIST Tsukuba
URL https://unit.aist.go.jp/ievg/en/index.html
Inquiry E-mail: gsj-koubo-ml*aist.go.jp
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Number of Position a few positions available
Key Words Fracture/Fluid migration/Volocanic activity/Seismicity/Underground environment
Related Research Areas Natural Science
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Entry ID
Title Research and Development on the Social Implementation of Shallow Geothermal Heat Pump System
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience Shallow Geothermal and Hydrogeology Team (Koriyama city, Fukushima) has been conducting research and development on the shallow geothermal energy's promotion methodologies and optimization technologies, in order to steadily promote its use and realize its large-scale introduction in the near future. Recruitment is open for a scientist who can contribute to the team with expertise in groundwater engineering, hydrogeology, and energy resources engineering.
Specifically, the ones with significant experience on survey and analysis technologies related to the use of underground resources such as shallow geothermal and groundwater, and possess high motivation to implement research results to the society. Candidates with social communication skills and actively interact with many researchers are shouted.
We also welcome those who do not have a doctoral degree but who are motivated to utilize their practical experience at a company for the social implementation of AIST's R&D.
Start of Employment April 1st, 2025
Research Unit Renewable Energy Research Center
Work Location Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA)
URL https://www.aist.go.jp/fukushima/en/unit/SGHT_e.html
Inquiry E-mail: h.asanuma*aist.go.jp
(Replace "*" with "@")
Number of Position 1
Key Words Shallow Geothermal/Groundwater/Hydrogeology/Earth Resources and Energy Engineering
Related Research Areas Natural Science/Energy Engineering/Environmental science
Click here for registration
Entry ID
Title Research on the evaluation of rare metal and base metal mineral resources.
Job Summary and Essential/Desirable Skills and Experience In order to study genesis of ore deposits and to evaluate feasibility of various mineral resources, we recruit a researcher specialized in economic geology or relating research field such as geochemistry, petrology, mineralogy and geology. Especially, it is desirable for the researcher that the specialty includes advanced analytical technique for development of rare metal deposits and physical chemistry such as quantum chemical calculation of rare metals. We are looking for researchers who are motivated to contribute to the stable supply of mineral resources in Japan.
We also welcome those who do not have a doctoral degree but who are motivated to utilize their practical experience at a company for the social implementation of AIST's R&D.
Start of Employment April 1st, 2025
Research Unit Research Institute for Geo-resources and environment
Work Location AIST Tsukuba
URL https://unit.aist.go.jp/georesenv/index_en.html
Inquiry E-mail: gsj-koubo-ml*aist.go.jp
(Replace "*" with "@")
Number of Position 1
Key Words Mineral Resource/Geochemistry/Petrology/Mineralogy
Related Research Areas Mathematical and physical sciences/Engineering/Chemistry
Click here for registration

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