

International Alliance

AIST has been actively developing international partnerships with overseas research institutes since its establishment in 2001 through the conclusion of memorandums of understanding on comprehensive research cooperation (MOUs) and the reception of overseas researchers and guests including VIPs.

AIST has welcomed researchers and visitors from abroad including royal families, ministers, executives of research institutes, companies, educational institutes and governments with high interest in various research fields.

AIST has concluded a number of MOUs with overseas institutes and has been holding workshops with major collaborating institutes facilitating substantial discussions among the participating researchers. As outcomes of collaboration, AIST has been exchanging personnel with US research institutes. Moreover, AIST and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France have built a joint laboratory.

Also, AIST expands acceptance systems for researchers from abroad through authorized funding institutions of Japan. Many researchers have conducted research in various fields at AIST for a period of 6 days to 2 years and have performed very well back home.

AIST has a variety of supporting systems not only for researchers but also for their families. Experienced staff provide detailed assistance required for daily life such as necessary information and advice on procedures, so that the researchers can smoothly focus on their work.


international Activities


For inquiries about international research cooperation and related activities

Please submit inquiries about international research cooperation and related activities via the AIST International Affairs Office Inquiry Form

  • Collaboration Inquiry Form
  • Support for International visitors
  • Tech Meets Business

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