

The 2nd Round of Open Recruitment 2024

Job Opportunities by Research Department

Types of Position: Type B - Tenured Position   

Link Image:Recruitment Information of Energy and Environment.

Type B (Tenured position)  
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
ENEENV-20 Research and Development on Technologies of Secondary Batteries, Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, Water Electrolyzers and Their Analyses D124090904
ENEENV-21 Research and Development on Efficient Use of Thermal Energy
ENEENV-22 Research and Development on Energy Effective Utilizaiton Technology Related to Electrochemistry and Electrical/Electronic Engineering
ENEENV-23 Research on the Methodology Development and Application of Risk Assessment of Chemical Substances
ENEENV-24 Research and Development on the Physical Risk Assessment of Explosives and Combustible Gases and on Industrial Safety
ENEENV-25 Research on the Methodology Development and Application of the Assessment of Sustainability in the Society
ENEENV-26 Research and Development on Advanced Utilization of Power Semiconductor Materials
ENEENV-27 Research and Developments on Power Electronics Packaging and Circuit Technologies
ENEENV-28 Separation and Recovery Technology of Material Resources
ENEENV-29 Research on Construction of Innovative Environmental Technologies
ENEENV-30 Research and Development on Technology Assessment Toward a Carbon Neutral Society
ENEENV-31 Research and Development on Separation and Recovery of Critical Metals
ENEENV-32 Research and Development on Artificial Photosynthesis Technology
ENEENV-33 Research and Development on Electrochemical Device
ENEENV-34 Research and Development of Energy Conversion Technology for Carbon Neutral Resources
ENEENV-35 Research and Development on Advanced Conversion and Utilization Process for Carbon Resources
ENEENV-36 Research and Development of CO2 Separation/Storage Aiming CCS
ENEENV-37 Research and Development on the Technology for High Penetration Renewable Energy
ENEENV-38 Development of Advanced Power Grid Technologies for Achieving Carbon Neutrality
ENEENV-39 Research and Development on the Hydrogen Energy Technology to Construct Advanced Energy Network for Achieving Carbon Neutrality
Type D (Non tenure-track position based on performance-based pay)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
ENEENV-200 Research and Development on Advanced Power Electronics D124090905
Link Image:Recruitment Information of Life Science and Biotechnology.

Type B (Tenured position)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
LS-1 Research and Development of Societal Implementation for Extending Healthy Expectancy D124090951
BMD-1 Biomedical Research and Development through the Elucidation, Measurement, and Application of Biological Functions
BPRI-1 Research and Development on Bioproduction
HMRI-1 Research and Development of Health and Medical Engineering
CMB-1 Research and Development for Analysis, Control and Utilization of Cells and Biomolecules
Type D (Non tenure-track position based on performance-based pay)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
LS-2 Research and Development of Societal Implementation for Extending Healthy Expectancy D124090935
Link Image:Recruitment Information of Life Science and Biotechnology.



Type B (Tenured position) 
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
ITH-1 Research and Development in Information Technology for Co-prosperity with Humans  D124090938
ITH-2 Research and Development of Digital Manufacturing Technology for highly functional/valuable products and services
Type D (Non tenure-track position based on performance-based pay)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
ITH-4 Research and Development in Information Technology for Co-prosperity with Humans  D124090931
ITH-5 Research of Digital Manufacturing Technology for highly functional/valuable products and services
Link Image:Recruitment Materials and Chemistry.

Type B (Tenured position) 
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
mc6-2-1 Research on Mechanical Recycling Technology through Material Analysis and/or Process evaluation D124090939
Additional Job Offer for mc6-2-6: D124121442
mc6-2-2 Research on development of polymer materials through a data-driven approach
mc6-2-3 Research on material diagnosis, nanocellulose and bio-manufacturing for green and sustainable chemistry
mc6-2-4 Research and Development on Carbon Dioxide Capture Technology for Carbon-Recycling Society
mc6-2-5 Research and Development on Carbon Resource Recycling Technology that Contributes to Sustainable Society
mc6-2-6 Research and Development of Energy-Saving and Efficient Chemical Process Technology
mc6-2-7 Research for the development and practical application of nanomaterials
mc6-2-8 Research and development of innovative functional materials and the advanced processes
mc6-2-9 Research and Development of Multi-Materials Technology for Circular Economy Society
mc6-2-10 Research and development of catalyst technology contributing to the carbon cycle
mc6-2-11 Development of interdisciplinary resource recycling technology based on catalyst and synthesis technology
mc6-2-12 Computational Science and Data Sciene based Generic Technology Development for Materials Design
mc6-2-13 Artificial intelligence application research & development for data driven materials design
mc6-2-14 Advanced Research of Data Driven Materials Design Using Quantum Computers
mc6-2-15 Data-Driven Research to Accelerate Material Development
Link Image:Recruitment Information of Electronics and Manufacturing.


Type B (Tenured position) 
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
DEV-1 Research and Development of the most Advanced Semiconductor Device D124090952
Additional Job Offer for DEV-1: D124120728
DEV-2 Research and Development of Novel Functional Devices and Integration Processes
DEV-3 Research and Development for Hybrid Opto-electronic Computing Systems Based on Next Generation Photonics Technology
DEV-4 Research and Developments of New Functional Materials and Electronic Devices, and Next-Generation Processing Technologies
DEV-5 Research and Development of Measurement and Evaluation Technology related to Semiconductor Manufacturing Process
SENS-1 Research and Development of Sensor/Sensing & Process/Evaluation System
MANU-1 Research and Development of the Advanced Production/Manufacturing Technologies that Realize Resource Conservation/Resource Recycling

Link Image:Recruitment Information of Geological Survey of Japan.

Type B (Tenured position)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
GSJ-11 Research on evaluation of long-term geologic fracturing and volcanic fluid migration  D124090953
GSJ-12 Research and Development on the Social Implementation of Shallow Geothermal Heat Pump System
GSJ-13 Research on the evaluation of rare metal and base metal mineral resources
Link Image:Recruitment Information of National Metrology Institute of Japan.


Type B (Tenured position)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
NMIJ-11 Research and development of precision measurement technology for geometric quantities D124090940
NMIJ-12 Advancement of measurement technology for pressure standards and pressure reference instrument
NMIJ-21 Research and Development on Accurate Measurement of Physical Quantities as well as their Applications
NMIJ-31 Research and development of advanced measurement techniques and metrological standards for nanoparticles
NMIJ-32 Development of standard measurement techniques for proper management of polymers containing fluorine in products and materials
NMIJ-41 Research and development of inertial and vibration measurement technology for next-generation navigation
Link Image:Recruitment Information of Global Research and Development Hub for Business by Quantum-AI Technology (G-QuAT)


Type B (Tenured position)
Entry ID
JREC-IN Portal
G-QuAT-1 Research and development of measurement techniques for superconducting quantum devices D124090921
G-QuAT-2 Research and development of hardware for scaling up quantum computers
G-QuAT-3 R&D of Quantum hardware components and social implementation of quantum technologies
G-QuAT-4 Research and development of quantum technology

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