

Department of Life Science and Biotechnology

AIST:Life Science and Biotechnology

Realizing a healthy, active, aged society and creating a sustainable society

A society in which people live a long life in good health and at ease, and a sustainable society with reduced environmental load is desired. We are contributing to life innovation by developing new technologies to evaluate health and to promote drug discovery, as well as to maintain, improve, and recover health according to individual conditions. We are also contributing to green innovation by developing technologies to reduce environmental loads using bioprocesses.


New Research Results

Gut Microbes Prime Immunity of Pest Insects

A researcher in AIST, in collaboration with the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) of France, has clarified for the first time how pest insects become resistant to disease through the power of gut microbes.
Biological pesticides with low environmental impact are attracting attention in order to achieve sustainable agriculture. Compared to chemical pesticides, biological pesticides (e.g. pathogenic microorganisms of pest insects) can reduce residues harmful to the human body and biodiversity, but to improve their effectiveness in controlling pests, it is still necessary to know more about the immune mechanisms of pests against pathogenic microorganisms. In this study, the authors investigated the immune mechanism of the soybean pest, Riptortus pedestris, and found that some gut microbes break through the epithelial cells of the gut and interact with phagocytes and immune cells (fat body) inside the stink bug, stimulating the systemic immunity. Furthermore, the authors found that stink bugs whose immune systems are activated by gut microbes show a high survival rate even when pathogens infect them. These findings open a new window in the field of insect immunity and are important for improving the insecticidal efficiency of biopesticides.

Figure of new research results Life Science and Biotechnology

Gut microbes breach the intestinal epithelium and activate the insect's immune system.

Simultaneous decoding of 10,000 cells’ glycan and gene expression in single cells

Researchers at AIST, in collaboration with the University of Tsukuba, have developed a droplet-type single-cell glycan-RNA sequencing method (droplet-type scGR-seq method) for simultaneous analysis of glycans and RNAs expressed in each of approximately 10,000 cells isolated from tissues and other sources using a next-generation sequencer. We have developed a droplet-type scGR-seq method.
Cell surface glycans are used as drug targets for various diseases and for quality control of cells for regenerative medicine. In the past, we developed a technique to react multiple cells with lectins (sugar-binding proteins) labeled with DNA barcodes, separate each cell into microcentrifuge tubes, and acquire information on the expression of extracellular glycans and intracellular RNA in each cell using a next-generation sequencer. However, the number of cells that can be analyzed in a single experiment is limited to several hundred by the conventional plate-type method in which one cell is dispensed into a microcentrifuge tube. With the introduction of the droplet technology, approximately 10,000 cells can be analyzed in a single experiment, a 100-fold increase in the number of cells that can be processed compared to the conventional method. This enables more comprehensive analysis of the differences between different cell types and the diversity of cell surface glycans within the same cell type, as well as the rapid acquisition of information on rare cells that contain only a small number of cells.

Figure of new research results Life Science and Biotechnology

Results obtained from this study and future developments

Research Unit

Open Innovation Laboratory

Since FY 2016, as a part of the “Open Innovation Arena concept” promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), AIST has created the concept of “open innovation laboratories” (OILs), collaborative research bases located on university campuses, and has been engaged in their provision. We are planning to establish more than ten OILs by FY 2020.

AIST will merge the basic research carried out at universities, etc. with AISTʼs goal-oriented basic research and applied technology development, and will promote bridging research and evelopment and industry by the establishment of OILs.

  • AIST-Waseda University Computational Bio Big-Data Open Innovation Laboratory (CBBD-OIL)
  • AIST-Osaka University Advanced Photonics and Biosensing Open Innovation Laboratory (PhotoBIO-OIL)

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