

Department of Materials and Chemistry

AIST:Materials and Chemistry

Contributing to industrial competitiveness enhancement by synergistic interaction between materials and chemical technologies

We are developing technologies to enhance added value of functional chemicals, and to realize practical use of new materials, with strengthening value chains of materials through synergistic interaction between materials and chemical technologies in mind. Thus, we are aiming to contribute to the primary materials and chemical industries.


New Research Results

Correct Free-energy Landscape Expressed by New Formula

A researcher at AIST has established a method for evaluating free-energy landscape so that it is independent of the representation of the shape.
Free-energy landscape is used in a wide range of fields, such as simulating the expected progress of a reaction of a designed catalyst or predicting drug efficacy and side effects for use in drug development. However, conventional methods derive different free-energy landscapes depending on how the conformational changes of molecules in chemical reactions are represented, and the theoretical basis for quantitative prediction and interpretation has been weak.
In this study, the deformation motion of molecules is expressed by the Langevin equation, which is used to describe Brownian motion. By using the diffusion coefficient that appears in the equation, we succeeded in deriving a free-energy landscape that is independent of the representation of the shape. The results of this research set the theoretical foundation for quantitative discussions of catalytic reactions and protein folding reactions. It is expected that the formulas from this research will be used to provide high quality data on which to base the design of catalysts and pharmaceuticals.

Figure of new research results Materials and Chemistry

Correct free-energy landscape can evaluate the number and depth of valleys independent of how the molecular shapes are represented.

Microorganism-produced Plastic Improves Biodegradability and Elongation of Polylactic Acid

Researchers at AIST and Kobe University, in collaboration with KANEKA Corporation, have overcome the brittleness and biodegradability challenges of PLA by blending a copolymer of lactic acid and 3-hydroxybutanoic acid (LAHB for short), which is biosynthesized by microbes.
PLA is a typical bioresource-derived plastic, but it is mechanically brittle and has limited biodegradability. By blending LAHB with PLA, we have succeeded in significantly improving the elongation of PLA. We have also found that LAHB blending promotes the biodegradation of PLA in seawater.

Figure of new research results Materials and Chemistry

Circular bio-derived plastic materials for which this research aims

Other research organizations

Research Laboratory

Open Innovation Laboratory

Since FY 2016, as a part of the “Open Innovation Arena concept” promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), AIST has created the concept of “open innovation laboratories” (OILs), collaborative research bases located on university campuses, and has been engaged in their provision. We are planning to establish more than ten OILs by FY 2020.

AIST will merge the basic research carried out at universities, etc. with AISTʼs goal-oriented basic research and applied technology development, and will promote bridging research and evelopment and industry by the establishment of OILs.

Cooperative Research Laboratories

In order to conduct research and development more closely related to strategies of companies, we have established collaborative research laboratories, bearing partner company names.

Partner companies provide their researchers and funding, and AIST provides research resources, such as its researchers, research facilities, and intellectual property. The loaned researchers of companies and AIST researchers jointly conduct research and development.

By setting up cooperative research laboratories, we will accelerate the commercialization of our goal-oriented basic research and application research with partner companies.

  • Niterra-AIST Carbon Neutral Advanced Inorganic Materials Cooperative Research Laboratory
  • UACJ-AIST Cooperative Research Laboratory for Aluminum Advanced Technology
  • VALQUA-AIST Cooperative Research Laboratory for Advanced Functional Materials
  • DIC-AIST Collaborative Research Laboratory for Sustainabllity and Materials

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