

Department of Information Technology and Human Factors

Information Technology and Human Factors

From IT infrastructure to application technology: make, connect, use

The rapid growth of devices (smartphone, tablets, robots, wearables, etc.) and the Internet has increased the amount of information that is being produced and accessed by society. In order to better utilize the data produced from millions of devices and systems, we are conducting research and development in a wide range of fields at the interface between information technologies and human factors. Our mission is to engage and enrich the public through the research and development of intelligent systems combining computational and physical capabilities for human use. A key component of our mission is making new discoveries in the hardware and software that interacts with physical devices to sense and change the state of the real world. Our discoveries will lead to industry innovations and contribute to the advancement of society by facilitating the interaction of humans with cyber-physical systems.


New Research Results

Indicators for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Jun Sugawara, Leader of the Physiological System Research Group, at the Human Information Interaction Research Group, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), in collaboration with Professor Hiroshi Tomiyama and Senior Professor Akira Yamashina (at the time of the research) of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tokyo Medical University, and Professor Hirofumi Tanaka of the University of Texas at Austin (UT), U.S.A, have developed the pulse wave velocity (PWV; baPWV, hbPWV, and CAVI are also classified as PWV).
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death and a significant healthcare burden in Japan. Measuring and evaluating arterial stiffness, a key contributing factor to CVD, can help prevent the onset of such diseases. Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), a widely used systemic index of arterial stiffness in Japan and abroad, increases significantly after middle age (around the 50s). To measure baPWV, patients must lie down with blood pressure cuffs wrapped around their upper arms and ankles.
In contrast, heart-brachial pulse wave velocity (hbPWV), which was investigated for its usefulness in this study, reflects the stiffness of the proximal aorta. Since proximal aortic stiffness increases linearly with age, starting as early as the 30s, evaluating hbPWV may allow for earlier and more accurate detection of CVD risk than baPWV. Additionally, hbPWV, which is calculated from simultaneous measurements of heart sounds and brachial pulse waveforms, can be measured in a sitting position, similar to how brachial blood pressure is measured, thereby reducing the burden on both the patient and the healthcare professional.
The algorithm for hbPWV measurement could be integrated into spot arm sphygmomanometers and even home blood pressure monitors. This would increase the opportunities to measure arterial stiffness indices and provide more chances for early detection of CVD risk.
Details of this technology were published in Hypertension Research on August 1, 2024.

Figure of new research results Information Technology and Human Factors

PWV measurement: The conventional method requires sensors on both arms and legs and measurement in the supine position (left), but this method requires only a heart-sound sensor and brachial pulse wave sensor, and measurement can be done in the sitting position (right).

General Requirements for “Dynamic Signs” Published as an ISO Standard

AIST proposed the general requirements of an international standard for dynamic signs with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, and the proposal was adopted as ISO 23456-1:2021.
The more effective sign system will be established by developing individual standards under this international standard. We are expecting for the society sharing with various age groups, cultures, and perceptual and physical characteristics, such as the elderly and wheelchair users under the concept of accessibility for all people.

Figure of new research results Information Technology and Human Factors

Fig. 1 Concepts included in the international standard for dynamic signs
Fig. 2 Image of use in a public space

Research Unit

Open Innovation Laboratory

Since FY 2016, as a part of the “Open Innovation Arena concept” promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), AIST has created the concept of “open innovation laboratories” (OILs), collaborative research bases located on university campuses, and has been engaged in their provision. We are planning to establish more than ten OILs by FY 2020.

AIST will merge the basic research carried out at universities, etc. with AISTʼs goal-oriented basic research and applied technology development, and will promote bridging research and evelopment and industry by the establishment of OILs.

Cooperative Research Laboratories

In order to conduct research and development more closely related to strategies of companies, we have established collaborative research laboratories, bearing partner company names.

Partner companies provide their researchers and funding, and AIST provides research resources, such as its researchers, research facilities, and intellectual property. The loaned researchers of companies and AIST researchers jointly conduct research and development.

By setting up cooperative research laboratories, we will accelerate the commercialization of our goal-oriented basic research and application research with partner companies.

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