

AIST:Research Results Archive


Research Results Archive

361-380(Total 1848 Count)

Software development kit ‘SCCToolKit’ for medical applications [ PDF:319KB ]

- For quick transition of IT seeds to clinical applications -


  • Human Technology Research Institute

Lifetime elongation of cells by fish antifreeze protein [ PDF:319KB ]

- Insulinoma cells can live for 5 days at 4 °C -


  • Bioproduction Research Institute

Novel statistical methods for discovery from big data [ PDF:189KB ]

- Wide applicability in all experimental life sciences -


  • Computational Biology Research Center

Database of sensory characteristics of older persons and persons with disabilities [ PDF:189KB ]

- Graphical presentation of the data according to search criteria entered -


  • Human Technology Research Institute


  • Advanced Power Electronics Research Center

Efficient production of high-performance surfactants from non-edible biomass [ PDF:362KB ]

- Production cost reduction of biomass-based chemicals, avoiding competition with food production -


  • Research Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Chemistry

Development of Compact, Sample-temperature-variable, Ultra-high-vacuum Prober Unit with a Maximum Temperature of 900 °C

- Contributes to operational evaluation of devices under extreme conditions -


  • Electronics and Photonics Research Institute


  • Metrology Institute of Japan

Strengthening Weak Cohesive Forces among Molecules/Atoms by Light

- Potential application to fabrication and refinement of materials for organic devices -


  • Nanosystem Research Institute

Impact of CO2 geological storage on microbial ecosystems in deep subsurface [ PDF:263KB ]

- Progress toward implementation of CO2 geological storage -


  • Bioproduction Research Institute
  • Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment

Energy efficient switchable sheet with seasonal shading effect [ PDF:263KB ]

- The sheet automatically blocks sunlight in summer although it is always transparent to viewers inside. -


  • Materials Research Institute for Sustainable Development

High-access survey robot [ PDF:256KB ]

- Working at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station -


  • Intelligent Systems Research Institute

Polycrystalline germanium junctionless FET for stacking CMOS [ PDF:256KB ]

- Practical transfer characteristics have been obtained. -


  • Nanoelectronics Research Institute

Anti-inflammatory mechanisms characteristic of lactic acid bacteria [ PDF:524KB ]

- Double-stranded RNA in LAB triggers production of protective interferon-β -


  • Biomedical Research Institute

Complex endosymbiotic system of mealybugs [ PDF:524KB ]

- Impact on biological concepts such as genome, cell and individual -


  • Bioproduction Research Institute

Elucidation of brain mechanisms underlying sensory awareness [ PDF:331KB ]

- Neural activities for "I've got it" in the pulvinar -


  • Human Technology Research Institute

Auditory orientation training system for the people with visual impairment [ PDF:331KB ]

- Orientation and mobility training using sounds as clues can be performed with a laptop PC -


  • Human Technology Research Institute

High-purity, chloride-free epoxy resin [ PDF:225KB ]

- Applicable to conductive adhesive achieving super high performance -


  • Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry

Suppression of potential-induced degradation in crystalline Si photovoltaic modules [ PDF:225KB ]

- Introduction of a TiO2-based thin film by coating on the glass substrate -


  • Research Center for Photovoltaic Technologies

Efficient synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates by using carbon dioxide [ PDF:297KB ]

- Expectation for eco-friendly manufacturing methods of chemicals -


  • Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry

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