

AIST:Research Results Archive


Research Results Archive

101-120(Total 1848 Count)

Ultra-Wideband Measurement of Low-Loss Materials for 5G/6G Applications

– Simple system for measuring conductivity of metals at frequencies above 100 GHz –


  • Research Institute for Physical Measurement

Symbiotic Bacteria Play Different Roles in Host Insect Larvae and Adults

– Elucidation of the relationship between insect metamorphosis, lifestyle change, and microbial symbiont –


  • Bioproduction Research Institute

ISO Accessible Design Standards Based on Ergonomic Studies

– Basic standards taking account of older persons and persons with disability established for tactile symbols and characters, font size, indicator lights, and spoken instructions –


  • Human Informatics and Interaction Research Institute

Development of a Thermoelectric Conversion Material Using Silver Selenide that Exhibits High Performance at Near-Room Temperature

– Realization of thermoelectric figure of merit ZT = 1.0 by controlling the crystal structure in the nanometer range –


  • Global Zero Emission Research Center

Development of Technology to Produce Blood Vessels in Artificial Tissues

– Using a tissue culture device to produce living tissues with a primary vessel and capillaries –


  • Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute

Development of New Transistor Architecture for the 2nm Node

– Aggressive integration through Si/Ge stacked channel heterogeneous complementary field effect transistor (hCFET) –


  • Device Technology Research Institute

Measurement of Soot Particles Deposited on the Ground Over the Past 20 Years

– Newly acquired long-term records for the evaluation of a snow-darkening effect in climate-change models –


  • Environmental Management Research Institute

Development of a Web-Based Integrated System to Display Information on 440 Quaternary Volcanoes Across Japan at a Glance

– Published the “Geologic Map of Volcanoes in Japan (1:200,000)” database with the world’s highest level of accuracy –


  • Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology

Publication of Documents on Safety Assessment Methods for Cellulose Nanofibers

– Support for related companies in self-management of safety and helping to promote practical applications of cellulose nanofibers –


  • Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability

Supply of New Certified Reference Materials for Doping Testing

– Contribution to higher reliability of doping testing at international sports events –


  • Research Institute for Material and Chemical Measurement
  • Research Laboratory for Calibration Standards in Doping Analysis


  • Research Institute for Chemical Process Technology

Development of High-Accuracy Surface Profiler for Large Diameter Substrates

– Measurement of flatness of 600 mm-diameter substrates with 5 nm uncertainty –


  • Research Institute for Engineering Measurement

Development of Large-Area Light Control Device Using a Coating Process for Mass Production

– Creating a comfortable and safe space by controlling optical properties –


  • Nanomaterials Research Institute

Development of Heat- and Impact-resistant Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube and Resin Composites

– Carbon nanotubes provide uniform electrical conductivity and high shape retainability –


  • CNT-Application Research Center

Demonstration of a Hydrogen Supply Chain and a Hydrogen Co-firing Engine Generator System

– Promoting the use of renewable energy and hydrogen in Fukushima Prefecture –


  • Renewable Energy Research Center

Development of Simple Process for Synthesis of Gold Nanomaterials

– Rapid synthesis via a one-step reaction using a succinic acid derivative and control of crystal growth direction –


  • Electronics and Photonics Research Institute

Development of Standard Reference Module with High Durability and Reliability for Thermoelectric Power Generation Tests

– Promotion of higher reliability of measurement technology, and use in international standardization activities of power generation performance tests –


  • Research Institute for Energy Conservation

Likelihood of the Development of a Magnetic Field Immediately after the Earth’s Formation

– Suggested by magnetic analysis of zircon crystals using a SQUID magnetic microscope –


  • Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation

Suppression of the Decrease in Power Generation at Megawatt-class Solar Power Plants

– Development of a technology enabling to avoid the risk of reduced power generation in high voltage systems –


  • Research Center for Photovoltaics

Development of Compact and Lightweight Naturally Cooled Organic Thermoelectric Module

– World's first demonstration of wireless communication using power from a low temperature heat source of 100 °C to 120 °C –


  • Nanomaterials Research Institute

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