1. On February 18, 2011, the Executive Board of the Tsukuba Innovation Arena for Nanotechnology (TIA-nano) formulated a medium-term plan for the five years from FY2010 to FY2014 (phase one).
2. The TIA-nano project is aimed at creating a global research and education complex for nanotechnology in Tsukuba, where the world’s most advanced nanotechnology research facilities and personnel are gathered. This will be realized under the leadership of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, the National Institute for Materials Science, and the University of Tsukuba with the participation of industry. The project is supported by the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The representatives of the core organizations issued a joint statement in June 2009.
3. TIA-nano has been mentioned in one of 21 national strategic projects of the “New Growth Strategy: Blueprint for Revitalizing Japan,” which was adopted at a cabinet meeting in June 2010, and is expected to function as an innovation engine in future research, development and training in nanotechnology not only for Japan, but also for the world.
4. The medium-term plan consists of four chapters: Chapter 1 (Vision), Chapter 2 (Mission), Chapter 3 (Strategy) and Chapter 4 (Management). It shows the specific vision of a global industry-academia-government collaboration center founded on a platform of public research and education organizations: TIA-nano is aiming to realize the vision over the next five years. The medium-term plan also shows action plans to achieve the vision.
5. Based on this medium-term plan, TIA-nano will promote initiatives aiming at creating the world’s most advanced innovation center across different organizations with the goal of contributing to the prosperity of Japan as a nation based on advanced manufacturing and to resolving global issues.
6. The medium-term plan will be published online on February 21, 2011, on the TIA-nano website. (http://tia-nano.jp)