
Report on the exhibit at “E-world energy & water 2019” held February 5th (Tuesday) - 7th (Thursday)

FREA jointly participated with Fukushima Prefecture in an exhibition at “E-world energy & water 2019”* held from February 5th (Tuesday) to 7th (Thursday), 2019, at Essen, Germany.
• Fukushima Prefecture, where FREA is located, has signed a memorandum on strengthening cooperation with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in Germany, and has exhibited the technologies and products developed by companies in Fukushima for exploring overseas markets and business match-ups.
This time, we introduced our technical support activities in the Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas in Tohoku * conducted by FREA.
Over 150 people visited our booth during the three-day period. They asked questions and discussed lively on the program or the status of renewable energy introduction in Fukushima Prefecture.
• On February 4th, the day before the exhibition, the Renewable Energy Seminar was organized by Fukushima Prefecture and Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy NRW at NRW Bank in Dusseldorf. Fukushima Prefecture made a presentation on its efforts to introduce renewable energy in the Prefecture, and presentations were also given by companies participating in E-world exhibition. FREA also presented on the Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas in Tohoku and our efforts to human resource development.
• As many overseas companies showed their interests in research and development in FREA, we will continue to disseminate information on FREA's activities domestically and internationally as well as explore the possibility of future collaboration.

The Fukushima-NRW Renewable Energy Seminar Business meeting at E-world exhibition
Director General of JETRO Dusseldorf Mr. Watanabe visiting the booth
Reception at the booth

*“E-world energy & water 2019”: One of Europe's largest energy industry trade fairs held in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany.
* Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas in Tohoku: We provide support for commercializing renewable energy related technologies and know-how held by companies located in the three prefectures struck by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate prefectures). (*This site is available only in Japanese.) (